Visibility & Accessibility: Two Key Components of Maintaining a School Library

During a conversation recently with a new friend, I was sharing about how I was currently in the process of receiving my Master’s degree so that I could be a school librarian. Not only was this friend shocked that a Master’s degree was needed for this profession, but she also made the following remark:

“This will probably sound really offensive…but I thought that librarians just checked out and shelved books all day.”

Prior to joining this program, I might have also made a similar remark. Being a part of the Library and Information Science program at the University of South Carolina has been eye-opening, challenging, and informative. Prior to taking SLIS 761, I took courses about the roles and responsibilities of being a teacher librarian, which include advocating for the profession, fighting censorship, educating others about various forms of literacy, exploring potential materials for the library, and so much more. During this semester of SLIS 761, I feel that the resources and assignments have further equipped me to tackle these roles and responsibilities, while integrating technology to make my library more visible and accessible.

Our most recent assignment for SLIS 761 had us creating a website that does just that: make our library more visible and accessible for students, educators, and families. I commented to a classmate that I could work forever on the website and STILL not be finished. Libraries are a valuable and integral part of our school spaces, and it is important that we advertise and make known our resources for the populations that we serve. I look forward to maintaining my own school library, partnering with educators and families to establish lifelong learning skills and opportunities for the students that I serve.
